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Hello. I have been watching the video's trying to learn how to deal with my RV roof.   There have been 4 useless men up there and it was worse actress they got off.  Jeesh.  I have a fifth wheel 29.5 feet 1999 .    I think I can do this but it will have to be in sections.  I am 70 years old female and after watching your videos I can kick butt and fix it correctly...  start at the front remove the end bar scrape the old butyl off clean with acetone new butyl, new coated screws, scrape the beehive mess around the vent, remove, clean repeat, repeat...  The front is raised has a stop bar at the front and one where it begins the down slope. I think that section would take one can of the liquid roof.    Then remove the vent over the fridge???stove area, clean and repeat, do the same with the vents from the waste tanks and the bathroom vent.      The top I am not sure what is on there. It is powdery to touch and other than the vent being backwards is not showing cracks or tears,  the down slope looks like a lifted parachute fabric that blows up and down in the breeze.   The back is a nightmare of different tapes layers of what ever, cracks scrapes , jeesh here I think I have to scrape it off, and try to get to something I can work with.  Along with this repair any damaged sections with plywood..... Since I am in Nevada the days can get to the 80's an nights can get to 40's and lower.....  it will be a slow process for me but once I get each section done with all the repairs.  I can get the 4 gallon and do the whole roof again.  I have some pictures of the mess that is there now, but I will do some videos because no one is going to believe  I did it without them... I need to figure out how to calculate the square footage so that when I apply this it will be at a good thickness.   If you have advice for me I would appreciate it...i am thinking my list will be butyl tape, Dior bond tape, lap seal, new screws, painters tape, squeegy, roller.   I will watch your videos again and write the steps in a list and start gathering my tools. I can send the video's to you or save them up and try to make it like a little video.   I appreciate your advice.  Should I get the butyl tape all at once or is the shelf life to short for my speedy work?? Lol. The Dior bonding tape and the lap seal, does that shelf life determine how much I get at one time.  My prep time for each section will determine the roof paint so it should be ok stored in the rv??........ The side edges are sloped. Not stop bar so at this time I got some contractors roofing glue and the edges appear to be pretty tight.  It's called Tough Dog, Flexible Sea, compliant VOC formula Construction grade..  My fingers ened up glue to the calking tool by the time i was done.  Hopefully i used the correct stuff..... i tried to down load your brochure but i can't find it on this stupid cell phone..... thank you..  kathy beyer. kidiekat@gmail.com
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you can it will go over any tar or asphalt based surface even other 3rd party coatings with the exception of silicone  Be sure the roof is clean first we also suggest adding two cups of clorox to each gallon of water to kill any mold spores that might be on the roof.  you get 42 sq ft per gallon so take your length X width and divide by 42.  that will tell you how many gallons you need.  Thank you
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