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388 views asked Oct 19, 2017 in General by kidiekat
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We put liquid rubber roof on our 5th wheel approx. 5 to 6 yrs ago.  Had covers on and off over the yrs with no problems.  Came to Florida this year and the cover was 2 ys old and it was stuck to the tacky roof.  We ripped the cover off with pieces still glued to the roof.  After a couple of months we checked the roof and it is now back to normal.  What happened?  We want to get another cover but don't want to wreck another cover.
in Liquid Butyl Rubber by

1 Answer

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Hello if it was still tacky after that time the catalyst was not mixed long enough.  Once the catalyst is mixed within 25 hours it develops a skin and normally 3-4 days after you can walk on it.  Something definitely went wrong with the adding of the catalyst

Thank you
Don't get your answer.  The roof has been fine for approx. 6 years.  Dried in the normal time etc. Why would it break down now after all this time? Will it break down if a new cover is once again put on for 6 mos? The roof does need air those covers will certainly effect it please give our office a call and ask for greg 610-298-1989 thank you