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319 views asked Mar 5, 2018 in Liquid RV Roof Magic by anonymous
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I just placed an order to coat our RV and requested the 10 year warranty.  How do I ensure coating thickness is at least 30 mils across the entire roof to meet warranty condition as stated below:

  1. Liquid Roof® was applied to a sound roof surface according to application instructions and resulted in a dry film thickness of approximately 30 mils.
in Liquid RV Roof Magic by

3 Answers

0 votes
When this question is answered with a procedure and degree of accuracy that will guarantee the 30 mil without a huge amount of checking as you go and mucking about I personally want to know how more than anyone can know. In my mind it is through endless applications and experience that one could only hope to come close and consistent.
0 votes
suggest dividing up your roof into 30 square foot sections. when you are done filling in the section you should be done with the gallon pail


Thank you
+1 vote
sure just chalk off your roof into 30 square foot sections when you are done filling one of those areas you will be done with a gallon of the material at a 30 Mil


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