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1 answer 584 views
584 views asked Jun 22, 2016 in General by anonymous
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How do we get the 10 year thickness to stay on the round edge or the roof to side transition? Our roof rolls from horizonal to a 2inch verticle area on the sides. Since the liquid roof is "self leveling" the last time we applied it, it ran and was thin on the curved transition area.
in Liquid RV Roof Magic by

1 Answer

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you are applying the product at at 30 mill so you can actually chalk off the roof into  6X5 areas when you are done filling in that section you should be done with a gallon of the material.  if it runs on a vertical you put double the amount needed so at a 20 mil it will not run

Thank you
This answer is unclear-  
The question was about the material running when applied at sloping/vertical portions of roof.  Is the answer saying to apply not as heavily as on the flat?
Or perhaps build up in several coats?
Please clarify.