When ordering my RV Roof I ordered the '10 Year Warranty' which increased the amount of material to be applied from 1 gallon per 42 square feet to 1 gallon per 30 square feet. I believe I did a pretty good job of spreading the materially evenly although I am sure there is some variation. The roof was cleaned and dry before application.
At this time the 6 inches at the back of the roof (extending for most of the width) has very noticeable wrinkles and there are many 50 cent piece size bubbles over the roof.
I am concerned that these have not yet gone away even though the roof has had several days to cure. I applied on Monday at 70 degrees. We have now had 4 days day of temperatures between 80 and 90 degrees and roughly 50% humidity (heavy dew in the a.m. which burns off by late morning). The temperature has been above 50 degrees for 60-70 hours over those days.
What can I expect? Do bubbles sometimes remain? If so what do you recommend to 'fix' it?