Metal of Honor

Winner 4 Years in a row

A New Roof For A fraction Of The Cost!
Manufacturing of Quality Roofing Products
The ONLY Product You will Need to Fix Your Leaks!
No Primer Needed and One Coat!


A New Roof For A fraction Of The Cost!



"Why are your videos such low quality?" "Can I really do this myself?" "How easy is this really?" These are a few of the questions we regularly receive. Let's start first with a video conundrum. It's simple—the videos aren't professional quality for one simple reason; the people making them aren't professionals. They're real customers sharing actual projects using our product. The truth behind our videos will answer the next question, "Can I really do this myself?" Definitely. This is genuinely a DIY project that many people feel comfortable tackling. Want to share your own video? We'll send you a $100 AMEX gift card for a 15-minute video complete with before, during, and after footage. It doesn’t need to be anything fancy to get $10 per minute. It's a way to say thank you—and show future customers how easy it can be.